//-- Y1 module, built from its parts use use use use use use use //-- Thikness set to 3mm W=3; //-- Read some parameters yd = FE_get_parameter("yd"); yg = FE_get_parameter("yg"); xg = FE_get_parameter("xg"); xF = B1_get_parameter("xF"); xE = B2_get_parameter("xE"); he = dxf_dim(file="futaba-main.dxf",name="he"); we = dxf_dim(file="futaba-ears.dxf", name="we"); //-- Locate the module with the origin between the body and the //-- head. The servo shaft is located on the x axis translate([0,-xg,-W-yg-yd]) union() { //-- The body translate([0,0,W/2]) y1_module_body(W); //-- The head translate([0,0,(yd+yg+W)*2]) rotate([180,0,0]) translate([0,0,W/2]) y1_module_head(W); //-- The servo translate([xF-he+W,0,29]) rotate([45,0,0]) rotate([0,90,0]) rotate([0,0,90]) futaba(); }; //-- Servo's plate translate([xE+W,0,0]) rotate([0,90,0]) futaba_plate();