//--------------------------------------------------------------- //-- Sigma technologies printable logo //-- (c) Juan Gonzalez-Gomez (Obijuan) juan@iearobotics.com //-- Nov-2012 //-------------------------------------------------------------- //-- Releases under the GPL license //-------------------------------------------------------------- use include include //-- Base parameters letters_th = 2; base_size = [65,50,2+letters_th]; base_bottom_th = 2; base_cr = 2; //-- Corner radius base_cres=5; //-- Corner resolution base_wall_th = 2; //-- Wall thickness //-- The greek sigma letter and the T module sigma_t() { //-- T letter translate([33,0,0]) write("T",t= letters_th, h=38); //-- Sigma letter. Imported from the dxf file scale([1,1,1]) scale([0.1,0.1,1]) linear_extrude(height=letters_th, $fn=30) import(file="sigma.dxf"); } //-- MAIN. Build the logo //-- Base with walls difference() { //-- Base cube bcube(base_size, cr = base_cr, cres=base_cres); //-- translate([0,0,base_bottom_th]) bcube(base_size - VX(2*base_wall_th) - VY(2*base_wall_th), cr=base_cr, cres=base_cres ); } //-- Add the letters on the top of the base translate([-base_size[X]/2 + 4, -base_size[Y]/2+6, 0]) color("Blue") sigma_t();