//----------------------------------------------------------------- //- Endstop clamp, derived from the Prusa decorator clamps //-- (c) Juan Gonzalez Gomez (Obijuan) juan@iearobotics.com, //-- April 2013 //----------------------------------------------------------------- X = 0; Y = 1; Z = 2; //-- Clamp parameters rod_diam = 8; clamp_diam = rod_diam + 5; open_angle = 80; width = 8; base_lx = 6.5; base_ly = 4; base_lz = width; zip_tie_holes = [clamp_diam, 1.5, 3]; //-- Internal parameters open_x = 2*(rod_diam/2)*sin(open_angle/2); module Prusa_clamp() { union() { //-- Clamp difference() { //-- outer cylinder cylinder(r=clamp_diam/2, h=width); //-- Inner cylinder cylinder(r=rod_diam/2, h=width+10,center=true); //-- Break the ring substracting a cube translate([-open_x/2,0,-1]) cube([open_x, clamp_diam+10, width+2]); } //-- clamp Base translate([0,-clamp_diam/2,base_lz/2]) cube([base_lx, base_ly, base_lz], center=true); } } //--- Endstop holder difference() { Prusa_clamp(); translate([0, - clamp_diam/2, base_lz/2]) cube(zip_tie_holes, center=true); }